28 December 2006

Well, I though I should let people know I'm okay after reading this article about the latest wave of violence in Rio.
I know that there are plenty of people worried about me, but I'm not scared. Know that that is not simply a cavalier attitude where I throw caution to the wind. I do exercise caution (like I probably won't be going to Copacabana by myself anytime this week and I don't walk around with a lot of money in my pockets, and I wouldn't, even if I had any!). God both exercises and stays His hand in full wisdom, drawing people to Himself in the process. Who knows, maybe I'll get to talk to someone who lost a relative or friend in this violence when we go out with our teams next year.
A little bit about our work (for those of you who don't already know): I am a missionary with the IMB, and we (I along with a team of 4 others) take teams of volunteers from the great state of Tennessee into the favelas (slums) of Rio to provide medical care and to tell them about Jesus and the love of God. An amazing job -- it has truly been a gift and a welcome change from the hustle and bustle of American life.

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