30 December 2006

A very good year

If I really sat down and thought about it, I would come up with a post too long to post, but here's a recap of things that blessed my heart in 2006:
1. Coming back to Brasil!!!! (of course)
2. Living on the farm for 2 months with a bunch of other M's and keeping in touch with them now.
3. Living with my mom for 3 months while waiting on my visa and having her encouragement and advice, even when I didn't want to hear it.
4. Living in Birmingham for 3 months while waiting on my visa with a roommate and a job that were perfect for the time.
5. Getting to live around lots of college friends -- seems like most of them ended up in Birmingham!
6. Getting to visit college friends.
7. Helping JAX remember what it's like to laugh and be silly and relax with your best friend like you can do with no one else.
8. New friends scattered all over the world.
9. A Brasilian experience that I can call my own (though I miss Amy tons!).
10. My dream job.
11. A wonderul boyfriend who totally understands why I am here and not there, what I do, and Brasilian culture, having grown up here himself.
12. Knowing that I am missed (for whatever reason -- a common one seems to be my cooking) by people in Birmingham, Jacksonville, Atlanta, and Houston (not to mention the family in GA & MT).
13. Learning (I certainly still don't have it down!) to rest in the loving arms of the One who has all things under control, whether it be how long it takes to get a visa, a perfect situation to live in during the wait, or even sending my roommate back "home" to the US so (if for no other reason) I can have my own Brasilian life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"11. A wonderul boyfriend" Hey thats me. you are an amazing girlfriend. I so blessed to have you in my life. And that you are able to experience the culture I grew up in. Love you