01 January 2007

Resolutions? Nah.

JAX used the dirtiest of all dirty words in one of her posts the other day: resolution. I don't generally make New Year's resolutions, usually because I forget. But I also hate the thought of trying, in my own strength, with only my will to back my effort, to do something I haven't been able to accomplish before.
However, I have come up with a few goals for this new year and would love to hear about some of yours!
1. Get out of just reading Psalms and Proverbs (Read the New Testament once every 2 months and the Old Testament once every 6 months -- that's 5 chapters a day of each).
2. Journal daily -- from readings especially, and also from life.
3. Read some in at least one of the current books I'm reading daily.
4. Take time to be still (in silence, simply listening to the world around me and the God who loves me).
5. Pray specifically for others (I am pretty good at praying for myself).


Susanna said...

If that is the only dirty work I can be accused of using, I am doing well!!! I'll take #4 for $300 Alex!

mel_peru said...

you're reading 5 books at once?? i'm trying to read 3 and i thought that was too many! But, hey you're reading Prince Caspian in Portugues?? I'm reading the Silver Chair in Spanish. Good stuff. And one more thing...I'd like to know what you think of Velvet Elvis, please!!