02 July 2007

So it's been awhile....

It's not that I have lacked things to post; I have lacked time.
We are currently at our general meeting in Atibaia (a small city outside of São Paulo) and I am trying to kick a cold. It's interesting what the body will do when it's worn out. I love being the only one here under 30 (except for the missionary kids) because I get my own room to rest and be quiet and be apart. And because I get to soak up wisdom that the older missionaries have in so many areas. And because I actually get to listen to sermons in English. So often we missionaries are feeding, feeding, feeding others simply because we are in the position of leadership. We are also sheep. It is so easy to forget that those in leadership need to hear the words of God from others just as much as others need to hear it from them.
Remember that when the opportunity comes up to give your pastor or leader a word of encouragement. They need it more than you think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more. I've hardly heard any sermons in English in the past year and a half, but the couple I have heard...I felt SO energized and renewed. It makes me feel like without it on a consistent basis, I am sliding. You're right...we do all need encouragement and God's words that He sends through His people. I'm glad you get this for a few days. Feel better!!