16 January 2008

Exhaustion, Day 2

I put my clock with the big bright red numbers under my bed last night so I wouldn't be tempted to stress about what time it was. I'm really not sure how well it worked, though I know that it took me at least an hour to fall asleep. There are churches whose bells toll every 15 minutes -- that kind of defeats the purpose of my putting the clock under my bed, but at least I'm not tempted to look, right?
This morning at 7:05, my cell phone battery decided to signal its imminent exhaustion as well. Man, that sound is loud! I plugged it in and went back to sleep. My boss called at 7:48. My alarm went off at 8:15, 8:20, and 8:25. I got up at 8:55, read, did yoga, and went for a walk around the block. I have been busy this morning and am tired. Maybe that will help tonight.
On the sleep itself? It wasn't enough.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Here's praying you got some sleep last night...it snowed here! Wish you could've enjoyed it with us.

Notived you're reading Wright's For Everyone. I've really enjoyed that series! Gaines uses those books when teaching.

I'm reading the Bible chronologically right now, but it's nice because we're studying John elsewhere and I'm enjoying the juxtaposition. Need to re-read those when I get to the gospels and Pauline letters!