11 January 2008

2008 To-Do List

I suppose that since it's a new year, I should get into the psychologically appropriate spirit of setting goals. You know, new year, new goals and all. Especially since last year's were kind of a bust. I made a list yesterday of things to do daily, and I completed that list yesterday (1-3; I added 4 and 5 today). I'm hoping I will stick to them.
Here it is, and I may add to or subtract from it at any time....
1. Read/journal/pray
2. Read part of any one of the many books on my "currently reading" list
3. Yoga (apparently, because of my high-stress life and misaligned spine, I am a good candidate)
4. Exercise (not daily, but 3 times a week would be good)
5. Cook something fun every once in a while -- I can't bring myself to cook that much for just me (potato soup was last night, and boy, was it good!)

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