24 November 2007

Thanks.... for everything

In the spirit of Thanksgiving (and making lists), here is my list of "thankfuls."
1. That I am currently in a season of rest and recuperation.
2. That I am in Brazil, doing what God has called me to do.
3. That I will soon be able to meet up with friends I haven't seen in at least a year and catch up.
4. That most of these friends are those you can just pick up with anytime, without having to actually live life together.
5. That I have a community of friends here, American, Brazilian, and other (Swedish), who live life with me.
6. That I was able to spend Thanksgiving day on vacation, getting my nails done, eating soup & ice cream by the kilogram, and dancing forró with my friend and her family.
7. The beautiful weather we are having -- it's 80-85 degrees here.
8. That I will see my family in a little under 3 weeks.

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