03 August 2008

I am tired. There is no other way to say it. No matter how much rest I get, I am always tired. I stayed at the hotel last week, and having to be with the team constantly drains my strength, no matter how great the team is. I love being able to come home and rest -- I am an introvert to the depths of my being. Not to mention the fact that I had family here and had to entertain them.

We have 4 more weeks of teams before our full month's rest in September, when we will be packing and escorting my mom around Minas Gerais (and buying more pewter).

God continues to bring to my mind Isaiah 40:31 -- "but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Being rejuvenated, renewing my strength, begins with sitting before the Lord and waiting on Him. My heavenly Father exudes strength, and He gives it freely, if I slow down enough to wait on Him. Do you know what it feels like to just sit with someone and be rejuvenated by their strength? I have friends who do that for me, some without knowing it. I am ready to get back to my regular schedule, now that I am at home, of sitting with God daily.

1 comment:

The Black Family said...


Tiredness comes with the territory, but also with the end of your term comes a sadness that is physically, emotionally and spiritually draining. We are praying for you as finish this part of your life journey. God has so much in store for you.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you are reading Love and Respect - one of the best books we've ever read on marriage and communication. God used that book to really enhance our own marriage relationship. Good read!

We love you and look forward to seeing you when you get back!

M & T