20 April 2006

Duck, part 3

Yes, folks, the day after Duck #2 we had Duck #3. Mom was home, so we were both running around the house trying to chase it out. Mom said this: "While he was up there [on top of the chimney] I should have asked him to put some chicken wire over the chimney." This is something we've been talking about way back since Duck #1, and we haven't done it yet, partly because we keep thinking that there will be no more ducks. Awaiting the presence of a duck in the house is not easy, you know. It keeps me on my toes!


Anonymous said...

WHen I come up there in however many weeks it is I will put the chicken wire in for yall.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought...Maybe he heard you have inside knowledge on how he can become president...and he wants you to manage his campaign! At least it's a duck who doesn't want to stay and not some of the creatures who've tried to move in with me! Miss you!