17 January 2006

Being a slacker

So I'm in Virginia for 7 weeks "learning how to be a missionary." I am still amused at all of the people running around like crazy looking for books and such to read (that were assigned by their regional offices). I also feel like a slacker because I'm not doing anything. Props to my regional office for sending me our books 6 weeks ago!


Allison said...

At least that means you now have time to read "Wicked," right? (I still have to get mine from the library!)

Oh, and I read "A Man in Full" for the first time last spring. Really opened up a whole new perspective on ATL for me. And just think, whenever you read about "Chambodia"-- that's where I'm teaching! :)

Anonymous said...

Proverns 6
6 Go to the ant, O sluggard obsefve her ways and be wise
7 Which having no chief, Officer or ruler
8 prepares her food in the summer, and and gathers her provision in the harvest
I think that maybe you just prepared in the summer so you can relax in the winter

Jen said...

Read "Wicked" already. Hmm. Really strange....