01 December 2007

On my blood pressure

I generally have pretty good blood pressure, which is good, because my stress level is sky-high, what with me living in a foreign culture and all. Here's an excerpt from my conversation with my friend Ilce today:
Me: Oh, yeah, my pressure usually runs about 115/75.
Her: Your systolic is 115?! That's hypertensive!
Me: Huh?
Her: You feel okay with a systolic pressure that high? I mean, 120/80 here is already hypertensive!
Me: 115.
Her: Yeah, that's really high!
Me: (still really confused) One fifteen
Her: (finally realizing that something isn't quite right) Oh, I thought you were telling me 150.
(Cue the laugh track) I absolutely couldn't figure out why she was freaking out about my systolic BP of 115 and she couldn't figure out why in the world I wasn't more worried about it until she figured out that I was saying 115 and NOT 150 (and that was her misunderstanding, not my misspeaking). That, my friends, is a testament to the fact that we both need more sleep (writes the blogger at 12:20am).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked at MD Anderson cancer Center for a while. There was a blood pressure thing like at cvs and Walgreens that you can sit down at put your arm through and all that. It didn't reset itself until the next person sat down and pushed the button. So when you sat down you saw the blood pressure of the last person who sat there. I figured out that if I started flexing my muscle at the right time and for the right amount of pulses I would get an outragously high BP readout. I got it up to 260/150 and would leave and imagine the face on the nurse or doctor that came up to it next and saw that high bp. Night shift was sometimes boring