17 March 2005

Life made "right"?

"Concentrate on your relationship with God right and everything else will fall into place."
This phrase has never bothered me before, but today it struck me as problematic. Most of the time that I've heard it (and said it) it's been used in reference to a romantic relationship. I am beginning to realize that our relationship with God cannot be a means to an end; it must be the end itself. I want more than anything for the Lord's will to be done, and it will be done regardless of my relationship with Him. He gives me a chance to be a part of it, and why wouldn't I want to join in? That is what concentrating on our relationship with God is -- getting to know Him and enjoy Him for His own sake, and because He is worthy of praise and enjoyment, not for the material comforts and advantages that He can give us.
Give God His due, and He will give you Himself.

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